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Metal injection molding process characteristics

Release time:2021-04-15 09:31:51


MIM technology has the unmatched advantages of conventional powder metallurgy, machining and precision casting methods:
Unrestricted structure:
It can directly shape complex metal parts like plastic
Easy mass production:
It is suitable for mass continuous production, and products with larger batch requirements are more prominent in process advantages
Reliable physical performance:
The product structure is uniform, the density is good, and the surface finish of the product is good
High quality accuracy:
Product dimensional accuracy can reach +/-0.1-0.5% in one-time molding
Material selectivity:
Stainless steel, soft magnetic alloy, iron-nickel material, tungsten alloy, hard alloy, tool steel, etc.
Significant cost reduction:
In the case of large-scale and large-scale production of parts with complex structures, the cost can be greatly reduced

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